Do you trust your people? You do? That's excellent! However, theft and fraud could be hurting your business. Could someone within your business be stealing from you today? If you are depending upon trust and trust alone, you are setting up yourself and your business for trouble. Fraud and theft may damage, even destroy your business. You are putting temptation in the way of staff who may have pressures and stresses – such as a gambling habit, or dependent relatives. So recognise the risks and learn how to prevent this calamity.
I take full responsibility for what happened at Enron. But saying that, I know in my mind that I did nothing criminal”
Kenneth Lay – disgraced criminal former CEO of Enron
Every day, it seems, stories appear about business fraud, from Chief Executives defrauding the company to cover gambling debts, to public servants giving contracts to family friends and associates, and to senior managers being appointed on false resumes. However, fraud and theft in organisations are more widespread than the media portrays. They are often hidden, as it is embarrassing to the organisation and its management. Most theft and fraud occurs within an organisation. In Australia, to take just one instance, theft in retail by employees is far higher than theft from shoplifting.
Every organisation needs to be vigilant against theft and fraud and to have appropriate systems in place to prevent it. I once worked for a company where rumours said several of the senior managers were perpetuating fraud. The clue was that they were living beyond their means. An alert CFO decided to engage forensic accountants. The subsequent investigation found fraud extended back over a decade and involved millions of dollars. The culprits were sacked and it was never reported to shareholders.At a less systematic level, two examples spring to mind from my personal experience with clients:
For fraud or theft to occur there needs to be three conditions - the Fraud Triangle. They are:
Most fraud or theft is a result of a lack of segregation of duties, inadequate check and balance systems and inadequate supervision.So, assuming you want to inoculate your business against this threat, where do you start?
Like most things in an organisation, preventing theft and fraud in business starts at the top.
As a business owner or manager, YOU own the business; YOU own the risk; so YOU must be the one identifying and managing it.
The system can be a whistle blower policy that protects the whistle blower. For example, it may be a phone number an employee can call such as the Chief Financial Officer's. And most fraud is uncovered by employees regularly and systematically analyse the data in high risk areas such as payroll and procurement and investigate transactions that do not look right.As well as being a management distraction when discovered, serious fraud and theft can destroy a company and jobs (see Just this year, the NAB bank has been involved with the Chief of Staff to the Managing Director having been charged with fraud.Unfortunately, in over 30 years of life in business I have witnessed too many acts of theft and fraud. In most cases, they continued until discovered and were the result of poor systems and supervisory management. Generally, theft and fraud starts small and then, as the perpetrators become more bold and greedy, they become careless. Often it’s a small indiscretion that tips a manager off, and often it is just the ‘tip of the iceberg’.
Ask yourself,
Remember, a fish rots from the head.To discuss this sensitive subject confidentially, get in touch with David on 0488 480402 or CONNECT HERE.